About HSDV

2024 HSDV Officers and Directors

2024 HSDV Officers and Directors

President: Gloria Manning
Vice President:
Stony Tennant
Becca Krach
John Crowley
Linda Clements and Vicki Kinney.

Ex-Officio Board Member

Historian: Laura Tennant
Email: historian@hsdv.org
Phone: 775-246-3256

Other Contacts of Interest

Museum Curator: Laura Tennant
Email: curator@hsdv.org
Phone: 775-246-3256
Firehouse/Jail Docent: Lee Brunell
Newsletter Editor:
Gloria Manning

Railroad Committee:

Chairman: John Crowley
Manager of Operations: (vacant)
Program Manager for Depot Restoration:
Linda Clements
Railroad or call 246-0505 or 720-4104 for information or tours.)

For more information:

By phone: (775) 246-3870 or (775) 246-4457, or (775) 720-4104
By email: President or Secretary