School Programs
Each year, the HSDV invites the Dayton 4th graders from our 3 Dayton Elementary schools to a history lesson about their town of Dayton. Nevada’s school curriculum includes Nevada history as part of 4th grade classes. Our program includes a Chautauqua presented by several historical society volunteer members. They dress up in period dress as the person they are depicting and tell that person’s story as it pertains to Dayton. They also share with the students Dayton’s history from the time they lived in Dayton. We then follow-up the Chautauqua with a walking tour of downtown Dayton. We include all or some of the following locations: The Rock point Mill site, Camel Barn, Community Center (Dayton’s First High School), The Dayton Museum (our 1856 schoolhouse), the Firehouse/Jail, the pony Express wall, The Blue Stone building, the Courthouse, and the cemetery. Each year it is a bit different in how it is presented, but each year these students, teachers, and some parents learn all about their town of Dayton.
We also give special tours of the museum to home schooled students, and if time and volunteers permit, a tour of old town.
General meetings are held periodically, typically once per quarter. Each includes updates about the activities of the society as well as a lecture on a historical topic. The topics vary as do the speakers, who may be a society member or a guest lecturer. Either way, the evening is certain to be enjoyable and full of detailed information. The general public is invited. The lectures are free of charge.
Check our Events Calendar for upcoming lectures