HSDV Events

Special Events

Special Luncheon Event Co-Sponsored by HSDV
Saturday March 15, 11:30 am – 2 pm
Nevada State Museum in Carson City

Topic: Seeking El Dorado: The History of Pioneer Migration on the California Trail
Join us for this special luncheon event at the Nevada State Museum in Carson City, Nevada. The luncheon will be co-sponsored by the Oregon-California Trails Association (“OCTA”), the Nevada Historical Society, the Nevada State Genealogical Society, and the Dayton Valley Historical Society. The Nevada State Museum is also offering free admission to the Museum on the day of the event. Our guest speaker will be David Fullerton, Vice President of the Nevada-California chapter of OCTA. David is a leading expert on the history of the California Trail. He’ll discuss the history of the California Trail, the people who traveled it, and the challenges they faced. He also will talk about the ongoing projects he and other members of OCTA are pursuing to preserve and protect the remnants of the trails, and the discoveries they have made in the process. OCTA has unearthed many new and exciting artifacts that add meaning and context to the story of pioneer migration to California. You’ll also have a chance to see several actual pioneer diaries and other artifacts that have been preserved– priceless visual evidence of the pioneers’ day-to-day life on the trail.

The luncheon event will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the South Gallery of the Museum, located at 600 North Carson Street in Carson City. The price of the buffet luncheon is $25 per person, which includes free admission to the Museum, a fun raffle, and other surprises.

To register for the event, visit www.americanheritagepartners.org or click HERE.

General Membership Meeting and Lecture
Thursday March 20; Doors open at 6:30 pm; Lecture at 7:00 pm
Topic: “The Rock Point — New Info on an Old Mill”
Speaker: Dr. Linda L. Clements

Where: Dayton Valley Community Center
               170 Pike Street
               Dayton, NV 89403 United States (Google Map)


This is the general membership meeting of the Historic Society of Dayton Valley. Each meeting includes the opportunity for socializing prior to the meeting, brief announcements concerning activities of the Society and a “History Moment” on a historical topic.

This meeting’s lecturer will be our Vice-President, Dr. Linda L. Clements, speaking on “The Rock Point Mill”.  

For more information, contact the Secretary, Becca Krach; Email: secretary@hsdv.org

General Membership Meeting and Lecture
Thursday April 17; Doors open at 6:30 pm; Lecture at 7:00 pm
Topic: “Original Peoples of the Great Basin: Western Shoshone, Northern Paiutes, and Washoe”
Speaker: Pam Abercrombie

Where: Dayton Valley Community Center
               170 Pike Street
               Dayton, NV 89403 United States (Google Map)


This is the general membership meeting of the Historic Society of Dayton Valley. Each meeting includes the opportunity for socializing prior to the meeting, brief announcements concerning activities of the Society and a “History Moment” on a historical topic.

This meeting’s guest lecturer will be Pam Abercrombie, speaking on “Original Peoples of the Great Basin: Western Shoshone, Northern Paiutes, and Washoe”.  

For more information, contact the Secretary, Becca Krach; Email: secretary@hsdv.org

Planning is underway

There are several exciting events being planned for 2025.  Such as:

          • Dayton Valley Days
          • Historic Hayride
          • Living History at the Dayton Museum

Recurring Events

Monday Evening Bingo

When: Every Monday Evening 6-9 pm; Doors open at 5

Where: Dayton Valley Community Center
               170 Pike Street
               Dayton, NV 89403 United States (Google Map)

Looking for a fun evening out? Come join us for Bingo!
Game packs are $10 and include the 3 warm-up games, 8 regular games, and the Double Action Blackout.
Other games include:
– FREE Stand-up/Last Man Standing Bingo
– Progressive Special Bingo
– Bonanza Blackout
– Fun Tabs
– Speedee Bingo
– FREE Raffle Door Prize Drawings
The payouts are based on a percentage of money collected. Must be 21 to play.
Free coffee is available and you are welcome to bring your own snacks.
For more information, please contact Gloria at 775-508-9043.
All proceeds benefit the Historical Society of Dayton Valley.

Dayton Museum

When: Every Saturday 10 am – 4 pm and Every Sunday 1 – 4 pm, from March through November

Where: Dayton Museum
               135 Shady Lane
               Dayton, NV 89403 United States (Google Map)

Visit the Dayton Museum at the town’s 1865 schoolhouse to discover the culture, the tools used by the pioneers, their lifestyles and names of many who settled in Dayton 174 years ago! Remember to ring the 1863 school bell shipped to Dayton from Sheffield, England when the school opened.

For more Information, call the museum at 775-246-6316.

HSDV Board of Directors’ Meeting

When: Second Wednesday of each month, 1:00 – 3 pm

Where: Dayton Valley Community Center
               170 Pike Street
               Dayton, NV 89403 United States (Google Map)

This is where the business of the Society is done. Non-Board members may be invited to attend for specific topics. Members may request a topic be placed on the Board meeting agenda. In addition, members may audit the meeting.

For more information, contact the Secretary, Becca Krach; Email: secretary@hsdv.org


WHEN NOT ON HOLD: First Thursday of each month, 7-8 pm

Where: Dayton Valley Community Center
               170 Pike Street
               Dayton, NV 89403 United States (Google Map)

The Railroad Committee coordinates the efforts related to the Dayton Depot, including reviewing the status of the Depot Rebuilding and any additional work required.

For more information, contact:
Chairman: John Crowley; Email: railroad@hsdv.org
Program Manager for Depot Restoration: Linda Clements; Email: depotrestoration@hsdv.org