Dayton Nevada Area
Welcome to the local links page for the Historical Society of Dayton Valley, Nevada. Suggestions of relevant non-profit or educational websites are invited. Please contact us if you are interested in listing on our website.
- Boys and Girls Club
- Clint Eastwood – Honkeytonk Man (Wikipedia)
- Clint Eastwood filming Honky Tonk Man, Dayton 1983 (YouTube)
- Comstock Foundation for History & Culture (Facebook)
- Comstock Historic District Commission
- Comstock Lode History (Wikipedia)
- Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center
- Dayton – A Ghost Town???
- Dayton Cemetery
- Dayton Cemetery pictures
- Dayton Historical Preservation Committee
- Dayton State Park
- Dayton Valley Days
- Dayton Valley Golf Course
- Dayton Valley Lions Club
- Dayton Valley VFW Post 8660
- Dayton Walking Tour (YouTube)
- Floods in Nevada
- Friends of the Dayton Valley Library
- Genealogy Trails: Lyon County, Nevada
- Healthy Communities Coalition
- Historical Markers in Dayton and in Lyon County
- Jim Saylor – 1 as Mr. Yeringon, Part 1 (YouTube)
- Jim Saylor – 2 as Mr. Yeringon, Part 2 (YouTube)
- Jim Saylor – 3 as Mr. Yeringon, Part 3 (YouTube)
- Internet Archive online historic documents
- Kiwanis Club of Dayton
- Loneliest Road in America, Nevada’s Highway 50
- Mason Valley News
- The Misfits, “Dayton’s movie” (Wikipedia)
- Nevada Civil War Volunteers
- Nevada’s first permanent settlement
- Nevada Historical Society
- Nevada State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)
- “Old Virginny” Finney
- Photos: Western Nevada Historic Photo Collection
- Photos: University of Nevada Photographs collections
- Pony Express – Stations
- Pony Express Territory
- Soroptimist International of the Comstock
- Sutro Tunnel (Online Nevada Encyclopedia)
- Sutro Tunnel (Wikipedia)
- Union Hotel and Post Office Historical Marker
- Wild Horse Adventures
- Wild Horse Preservation League (Facebook)
- Wild Horse Preservation League